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We regret to inform you that Washington State Parks will
NOT be issuing permits for large events during 2025.

We will NOT be able to host the Hands Across the Border - Peace Arch Celebration at Peace Arch Sates and Provincial Parks.

We are considering hosting
an online event. 

The very first gathering of American and Canadian scouts took place at the Peace Arch dedication ceremony on September 6th, 1921. The official Peace Arch Celebration began in 1937 as a joint U.S. - Canadian Armistice Day celebration. 


The celebrations have included a youth exchanging gifts of peace (trading), a parade through the Peace Arch’s portal, a flag-raising, a veterans ceremony, and both countries’ national anthems.


We are collecting personal histories and photographs. If you participated in past Hands Across the Border events, we would love to hear from you.


Please click here to share your Hands Across the Border story!



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